Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Amaranthus spinosus

The characteristics of plants
Main stem of this herb soft green and prickly.
Have a diameter between 0.5 - 0.1 cm with a
height between 20-30 cm. Leaves such as spinach
green, when the shape of flowers such as cats
and green. The fruit is black and there is in
the interest

This plant originated from Tropical America.
Often found in open areas and on the roadside.
This plant has a height of about 30 to 100 cm.
Stems green or reddish-colored, hairy on upper
portion, much branched and thorny. Have a
whitish green colored flowers and seeds small,
round and black.

Sebatian Chemistry
Amarantin, routine, spinasterol, saltpetre,
hentriakontan, tannin, potassium nitrate,
potassium oxalate, phosphate salt, iron and
vitamins A, C, K and pyridoxine (B6).

Usability has traditionally
The leaves are used to treat fever measles
roots used to treat fever, diarrhea-ass,
toothache, bronchitis, leucorrhoea, menstrual
problems, stone hempedu and gonorrhea.
In addition, he also used to melawaskan
discharge urine, ulcers, wounds, sore throat,
shortness of breath and madness.
Seeds demahan also used to treat bone
This herb is also efficacious overcome the lack
of blood (anemia).

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